Исторический матч сборная СНГ-Барбарианс.
Наша победа 27-23. Матч проходил в Москве на стадионе «Локомотив» 06.06.1992.
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Nigel Starmer-Smith talks with Micky Steele-Bodger, President of the Barbarians, and Geoff Windsor-Lewis, Honorary Secretary of the club.
MSB: We are very fortunate to nave reached our Centenary in the same state of good health and good cheer as that with which we set out under Percy Carpmael, 100 years ago, as a rugby touring club. We are as famous now as we have ever been and are still doing what we believe is a good job for rugby football in that we allow great players to play for us and to entertain without the pressures of international matches. They like to take part. They do us proud. We enjoy their company and we certainly enjoy their rugby as played on the field. NSS: As rugby football changes, can the Barbarian Club retain its style and unique character in the coming years? MSB: I see it being slightly changed. With the influx of leagues, of competitive rugby and of coaching which makes sides much more organised to play against us - and regrettably many of them set out with the intent to stop us playing our type of rugby which is perhaps partly the consequence of bad coaching and certainly not in the best interests of the game, we may be persuaded - not driven, I hasten to add - to play more games overseas than we have done in the past. With the aid of Scottish Amicable we may now be able to do this - and we should love to do so because we believe we have a mission to try to teach people that rugby is real, pure fun to play, watch and administer. NSS: What about the "traditional" fixtures - the Easter Tour and matches in South Wales, the Mobbs Memorial Match against East Midlands, and Leicester at Christmastide? MSB: Things have certainly become more difficult at holiday and Bank Holiday times - and regrettably Penarth was a sad loss to our traditional Easter Tour fixture list. But, anybody who has read Emile de Lissa's book on the Barbarians will know that gathering together a tour party at Easter time has never been easy! By contrast the Leicester match has become the principal rugby event of the Christmas festival and seems to become more popular, for all concerned, year by year. Matches at Easter have created problems for us - as the season draws to a close more and more clubs and players have taken on overseas tours and it is not getting any easier to raise sufficiently powerful sides with which to take on the great Welsh clubs. But they certainly want us to continue to come to Cardiff and Swansea and we certainly wish to continue to go there if it is possible. GWL: In recent years problems have been accentuated when Easter has been late in the calendar because more competitions in the Home Countries are then drawing towards their final rounds involving a large number of leading players who have overriding responsibilities to their clubs. Quite understandably such clubs wish their principal players to be available to them when important matches are in the offing. One runs into the Sevens season in Scotland and that can cut across the expectations of getting star players down to Cardiff. Easter is without doubt the most difficult period in the rugby season in which to bring together the best players. It is interesting to note that the move of the Newport match to October has enhanced the fixture - we've certainly had stronger teams of late and, as a consequence, have fared much better in that encounter since we changed the date. Likewise Leicester is always a success, and East Midlands is an enjoyable day. Anything extra, any additional commitments, we now consider very carefully before adding to the schedule. MSB: And, Geoff, it is worth pointing out that many of the players whom we would wish to invite to join us are captains of their clubs, because they are often the great players. This can put tremendous pressure on them — can they reasonably be expected to absent themselves from their own club commitments, to come and play for us? NSS: But, surely, to maintain the status and honour of playing for the Baa-Baas, you cannot invite other than the very best and most worthy players to wear the Barbarian jersey. MSB: It would be disastrous to do otherwise. To deface or devalue the Barbarian colours by lowering the standards of membership would be wrong. We would like it to be that the honour of playing for us remains second only to that of representing your country. We like it to be that way. GWL: It is also true to say that as a Committee we are trying to move with the times. Happily we now have an association with Scottish Amicable which opens up new possibilities for us. We have altered the Easter Tour to try to help ourselves on the matter of availability of leading players, and, believe it or not, we are planning ahead to take account of a changing game and different pressures. NSS: But with the firm intention of retaining as much of the existing fixture list as is possible, whilst it's practicable? MSB: Absolutely - that is our declared aim. |
NSS: You mentioned the possibility of more overseas ventures . . . ultimately can you envisage matches abroad taking over from some of the domestic, UK-based fixtures? MSB: Yes. I think we are to a certain extent elitist - not in any social context, but in the playing context. We still believe we have the pleasure to reward the great player who has failed to make the very top and equally to help and "highlight" the young player on the way up alongside the seasoned international who comes with us, who enjoys the company and the pleasure of playing. I think we can and shall take that rewarding blend abroad on tours - really short tours - and hope to help the development of rugby throughout the world. This ideal could take us anywhere in the future, but we shall not forget ever that our base is the British Isles, we owe allegiance to the Rugby Football Union and we want to serve and help the game at home. GWL: . . . and to that end we shall endeavour to retain our present fixture list as long as we can, without any undue additional matches. We receive so many invitations to take part in club centenary matches and the like. However much we may wish to accept, seldom can it be in the best interests of the future of the Barbarians Club to do so. But we do feel duty bound to be receptive to those clubs who have been particularly courteous and helpful to us in allowing their players to accept invitations to play for the Barbarians, even at very short notice. NSS: And what of the future of The Final Challenge - the traditional end of tour fixture for the visiting major touring sides? MSB: I think this match has been a tremendous privilege to us, but pqually, I think I can say without fear of contradiction, that the Four Home Unions have been appreciative in turn of the quality of play and enthusiasm for the game that this traditional encounter has engendered over 40 years. I believe that when, some years ago there was a proposal mooted that the fixture should be accorded to a Lions selection, the response was that this degraded the Lions. We may appear at times like a Lions selection -but, clearly, we are not — preparation is minimal, we play the game "off the cuff". Nor do we set out to pick necessarily the strongest side available from the four countries. We look rather for players we know who will be willing to follow our watchword of attack, and who will revel in playing without the inevitable extraneous pressures of a full international match. We enjoy, too, the opportunity to invite outstanding players from overseas teams to join us, whom we can count on to cherish our traditions of attacking rugby, playing the game without inhibition and enjoying the unique camaraderie of rugby football. Our association with leading players throughout the rugby playing world (from France, New Zealand, Italy, USSR and so on) has added a new dimension to the club. It has broadened our "horizons", and helped to ensure the maintenance of our high standards. This is testimony again to the fact that as a club we do not intend to stand still and simply reflect on a glorious first century. We are proud of what we have achieved so far, we are proud of our name, but we know that we have a mission and a responsibility to the game of rugby football. In achieving our goals whilst preserving the unique character of our club we know we have another 100 years ahead of us that will be just as exciting a challenge.
Then and Now - a unique club with a unique style Famous Barbarians of the past and present, spanning different eras of the twentieth century, recall treasured memories of rugby, and of fun, with the Barbarian Club
Herbert Waddell, 5th President I was first asked to go on tour by Emile, behind the stand at Twickenham, when I was feeling very depressed after we had been badly beaten by England in 1924 and this certainly helped to lift my depression. Emile, Jack and Hughie were all on the tour, which I enjoyed almost beyond expression. We had a very strong side just before the British tour to South Africa later that year, including great players like Voyce, Blakiston, Arthur Young, J. C. R. Buchanan, and it included three members of the famous Oxford three-quarter line - Ian Smith, George Aitken and John Wallace. I was naturally very nervous. I had never been to Wales. Cardiff, Swansea and Newport were just great names to me.
The first game I played for the Barbarians was against Cardiff with a side including all of those mentioned and we eventually scrambled home 23-18 and promptly lost to Swansea on Monday 9-11.
One of the attractions of the tour is that, whereas Sunday can be a dull day, thanks to the hospitality and kindness of the Penarth Golf Club, we have the freedom of the course and everybody has to play whether he has played golf before or not. Curiously enough, those who have never played before always seem to enjoy it best. We play with one bag to four players, shot about, and it can be very exciting. You can very often win a hole in double figures.For many years we spent Easter at the Esplanade Hotel, Penarth, presided over by Mr. King and later by Mrs. King. She loved gay young men. She didn't mind noise. She charged us practically nothing. She didn't object to unusual emblems appearing overnight on the flagpole and she was quite unperturbed and amused when an Irishman drove four or five cattle into the hotel lounge uttering cries of encouragement to the mystified animals. You could get three helpings of every course and if you came in late you cooked your own bacon and eggs. It was a wonderful place for a touring side.
H. Waddell 1923-24
The 1925 Easter Tour Party - at centre, Emile de Lissa, second President of the Barbarian Club
Barbarians of the twenties and thirties had a tremendous reputation for playing open and joyous football, like the Harlequins. The result was that over Easter both the Barbarians and the Harlequins drew large crowds to Cardiff and Swansea. The basic idea of the Baa-Baas always was that Rugby Football was a game to be played for enjoyment, and that the greatest enjoyment could be obtained by the playing of the game as it was meant to be played - for fun and pleasure-and that could best be achieved by throwing the ball about and by playing attacking and adventurous Rugby Football. But to do this, of course, does mean that the players must be skilled and knowledgeable about the game.
The Barbarians believed and considered that it was a great honour to belong to their club, as, indeed, it was, and that the qualification was not just to be a good player, but to be a well liked person as well.
Moreover, if the Barbarians thought there was a player of pleasing personality, who was of high standard in his play, with the right attitude to the game, even though he was not an International, he would be invited to play for the Baa-Baas.
I believe that the Barbarians by their attitude to the game and style of play has helped to maintain at a high level the right approach to our amateur winter game of Rugby Union Football.
W. W. Wakefield 1925-26
I seem to remember playing golf at Penarth one Sunday and drinking a pint of beer on the next tee after winning a hole, but I can't remember if I was exuberant or thirsty after 18 holes. We had some difficulty getting down to breakfast one year, because someone had thought it right to remove the iron railings from the sea front, and in the quiet of the night had dragged a long length of them up the stairs and along the corridors of the hotel in which we stayed, a highly complicated maneouvre and very .difficult to unravel, and the perpetrators were never discovered. Yet the discipline maintained by Emile de Lisa and Haigh-Smith and Hughie was marvellous to behold.
Penarth, Swansea, Cardiff and Newport were reasonably tough opponents to deal with in five days, and an ability to move at a fast speed was a useful asset, both on and off the field! An invitation to join the Baa-Baas on their Easter tour was seldom ever refused. I personally still wear a somewhat crocked nose as a mark of the glory and the fun of it all.
C. D. Aarvold 1927-28
I stayed at the Esplanade Hotel, Penarth, several times. What fun we had! We used to dance around the table after the soup was served. I never saw one bowl of soup spilt - we were a gentle lot - good with out feet!
A. T. Voyce 1923-24
There were, of course, many amusing incidents which I remember - such as half the Baa-Baas party helping themselves to bacon and eggs in the hotel kitchen at 2 am; or all the lads driving off the 10th green of the golf club, Penarth, collecting the golf balls, and auctioning them in the club house for Dr. Barnardo's Homes. There were many other happenings which at the time seemed funny but have now slipped my memory. There was one humorous prank in which Jimmy Farrell and I were involved. We were taking a stroll on the Promenade before going to bed when we saw, to our great astonishment, a cow — yes, a real live cow — taking her constitutional on the self same Promenade. Thinking to spring something on the boys, we drove the cow back to the hotel and stalled her in the hall. Up to this the cow took it all quietly, but possibly excited by the unexpected splendour of her surroundings she started to bellow at the top of her voice. The effect was dramatic. Most of the boys, apparently, had never before heard a cow mooing like a foghorn - at least not at such close quarters. It caused almost panic amongst the assembled Barbarians who decided that it must be something from Outer Space.
N. Murphy Senr. 1929-30
That 1934 Easter tour was certainly the most exhausting rugby I have ever encountered. Saturday v Cardiff; Monday v Swansea; Tuesday v Newport. I was given slight relief on Tuesday by being played on the wing. Baa-Baas v Blackheath, Dec. 29, 1934.
This was the only game I ever played with eight backs and seven forwards. Why this was so I cannot recall. Whether it was an admin, error or a last minute call-off of a forward and the only available replacement was a back. However, it was all good fun with too many backs cluttering up the field and spoiling many scoring opportunities. Highjinks in Penarth
Great friendly opinion from all the local people in Penarth allowed some horseplay at the dance. Setting off of fireworks and the riding of a bicycle all on the dance floor were all accepted in the spirit in which these actions were done. I used to conductthe dance band for several years in succession. In retrospect, I cannot understand this as I was timber toned and couldn't play a musical instrument. It is quite amazing what beer can do!
I will always remember my first game against the Barbarians as a young raw player for Swansea in the 1928-29 season when I had to mark that great Scottish centre GPS Macpherson. I certainly learnt a great deal from that match.
The great fascination of playing against the Barbarians was that one had the opportunity of playing against great players from over the world, thus improving one's play. This also applies when you are playing with the Barbarians against club sides.
The Barbarians being a very cosmopolitan side one has the opportunity of playing with great players. For example. When I played against Cardiff I played in the centre with Louis Babrow, the former Springbok centre.
My career as a rugby player would not have been complete if I had not played for the Barbarians and I insist that the Barbarians will never be disbanded and will continue to give pleasure and delight to all rugby followers in the world.
E. C. Davey 1936-37
There was this attractive red-headed maid working at the Esplanade so Wilf Wooller and I thought we'd better get more acquainted, so one evening we went to the servants' quarters, that house on the hill opposite the hotel entrance. All the lower doors were locked, but a half opened window upstairs looked promising. There just happened to be a ladder lying on the ground, so we propped it up against the wall, but it could not stand the strain of our combined weight and we crashed, luckily feet first, through the cucumber frames below. No injury and we both played against Cardiff next day and won. Not so on another Saturday; Cardiff moved a wing, A. H. Jones, to fly half and he dropped a goal minutes before no side to make Cardiff the first club to beat the Baa-Baas on the Easter Tour for some time. It must have been after this match, back at the Esplanade, that I was leaning on a high-backed chair talking to the "Alikadoos". Some of the Cardiff players were there too, including Eddie Watkins, Cardiff and Wales 2nd row forward. He pushed me and I caught my lip on the top of the chair. Blood everywhere. Luckily Hughie Hughes was still about, though how he threaded the needle to stitch me up I'll never know, but he did, perfectly, and all Eddie said was "We couldn't do you on the field, Peter, so I've done you now!" When I used to go to Twickenham after I'd finished playing, the first person I used to see sitting at the bar in the International Room was Eddie Watkins. Lots of beer and no recriminations.
P. Cranmer 1933-34
The Barbarians were the most popular visitors to South Wales and the games were always looked forward to with great relish knowing that they would see good open rugby.
The full Easter Tour party, 1951
50s when I played for the Baa-Baas. The "Alikadoos" in those days were W. E. Crawford (Ernie), Jock Wemyss, Herbert Waddell and the Big Chief (whose name I can't remember) who lived in London and often put us up in his flat there. My happiest memories were of the Easter tours and listening to the yarns of the "old ones" (not so old then) late into the night and the crack with the players from the other nations.
The golf at Penarth on the Sunday was certainly one of the highlights and since few of us played golf regularly or at all, the club committee had to be very tolerant. Peter Yarrington was a sight to behold with his father's wooden shafted clubs, used for twenty years, and at least one snapped under the strain of Peter's mighty swipes.
A painful memory was when Captain of the Baa-Baas (a great honour) against Swansea at St. Helens, having to leave the field, for the only time in my career, with a damaged shoulder. The fine Welsh surgeon who attended me, described it as a subluvation of the acromio clavicular process and suggested it might be time to settle down and reproduce!
N. J. Henderson 1950-51
The full Easter Tour party, 1951 |
The full Easter Tour party, 1951 |
The first photograph of a Barbarian team, v. Devonshire at Exeter, 1 April, 1891. Back row: G. Young, T. Whittaker, W. P. Carpmael, R. L. Aston, R. T. Duncan, P. F. Hancock, W. H. Manfield. Middle row: E. Emley, C.B. Nicholl, P. Christopherson, A. E. Stoddart (captain), D.W. Evans, P. Maud. Front row: H. Marshall, C. A. Hooper, F. H. Fox, C. J. Vernon.
In my dotage, particularly over a long-lingered pint or two, I'll swear that wearing a Barbarian jersey - despite the fact that they were always torn and sewn up and shrunk from too many washes - really was a thrill and a privilege for the Club's traditions are sewn like very different pieces of material on Rugby's Robe of State. We can nod our heads ruminatively as we consider those men, in an Oyster Bar in Bradford, who started it all a hundred years ago.
It was my idol, Bleddyn Williams, Prince of Centre Three-quarters, who arranged my first game. At the time I had not been selected to play for Wales. I was 20, I arrived in Bedford, after a bus and train journey and a long walk to the ground with Cliff Davies, the finest of Welsh prop-forwards. We were introduced to the rest of the team by the captain, P H Moore of Blackheath who later became Private Secretary to The Queen and now sits in the House of Lords. I cannot remember the result of the Edgar Mobbs Memorial Match but still think of my scrum-half, Gordon Rimmer of Waterloo who nursed me through the ordeal of facing Don White of Northampton, a great flanker who crossed on the Amber.
Memories too of the first overseas tour by the club when, under the influence of Brig HL Glyn Hughes - a Queens Physician and the first doctor into the German Concentration Camp at Belsen when it was liberated - we had laughter and delight. The Barbarians were missionaries to Canada where the game now flourishes.
Playing for the Baa Baas has been an enrichment to so many for so long. It is a unifying force - a common denominator — for there is a unique spirit in this club which has no home, save in the hearts of those who have watched and those who have played.
Despite the inevitable changes that will hit the game of rugby in the next 10 years, I pray that the Barbarian Tribe will endure - and, hopefully, increase.
С. I. Morgan 1950-51
Anachronistic though the Baa-baa song may be (". .. for the rugby game we do not train..."), I still feel that the Baa-baa concept has a definite place in the modern scene despite the advent of intense coaching, liberal expenses, leagues etc.
Games at Northampton, Leicester and certainly the Easter tour in South Wales were regular and great occasions. I captained the team against Blackheath at White City in a floodlit game on the occasion of Blackheath's 75th Anniversary (I think), I believe it was the last game of rugby played there.
Probably the greatest pleasure I had with the Baa-baas was going on overseas tours. In 1957 we went to Canada and 1958 to South Africa. Both these teams had Hughie and Herbert in charge.
Story in Toronto - at hotel after the game, the team were in good voice and somewhat boisterous. Hotel manager approached Hughie about their conduct. Hughie, in his articulate and yet gentlemanly manner, dispensed with the matter saying: "My man, these are Barbarians, they always behave as gentlemen." Exit hotel manager from scene.
On our flight out to South Africa, we were diverted halfway across the Sahara due to stormy conditions, to Benghazi which was at its hottest. Having been one of the first out of the plane and on
looking back up the stairs, I had the rare sight, which I'll always remember, of a dishevelled Herbert Waddell attired in his pyjama top and trilby hat emerging uncertainly followed by Malcolm Thomas of Newport resplendent and immaculate as ever in his blazer and white shirt with stiff cut-away collar. Whatever'else, Baa-baas always acknowledged individuality!
R. H. Williams 1953-54
I recall the first Baa-Baas overseas tour, which was to Canada, in 1957, and some of the incidents uppermost in my mind. I was reminded about three weeks ago of, when I saw Rees Williams at Twickenham, of the occasion in Toronto, when he larded his face with the inevitable vaseline, as he thought, only to find that this was in fact "Wintergreen" ointment. But it was too late, and in spite of being doused headfirst into a bath, his face shone like a red beacon and he was in agony, but warm for the whole of the ensuing game.
P. H. Thompson 1955-56
The Barbarian match with the All Blacks in 1973 was undoubtedly a tremendously enjoyable game in which to play, with both sides playing quality, not carefree rugby. It was a game of attack and counter attack with, in that time-honoured phrase, Rugby Football the winner.
The most memorable moments of that day are vividly recalled: G.O. Edwards' try, that set the standard; David Duckham's exhilarating play; Grant Batty's two thrilling tries; the singing and reception of the crowd, and winning!
S. J. Dawes 1966-67
The Barbarian Football Club is a unique institution in the Rugby World. For me, it has very closely mirrored the most favourable aspects of our Sport. Playing the game totally for fun and adapting to other players' skills and differences and getting the best out of what the game has to offer. One of my favourite memories in my rugby career was the Hong Kong Sevens in 1981. This typifies the unique spirit of Rugby Football and how to get the best from individuals on a one off basis and win the most prestigious tournament in the world.
As always in life, one person tends to stand head and shoulders above the rest and on this occasion in Hong Kong it was the inimitable Andy Ripley, Captain and Businessman supreme. Many have tried to emulate his relaxed and laid back approach without success. "Rippers" on the other hand was deep down a truly committed and competitive athlete and on the field you were certainly made very aware of his unique abilities.
We eventually came to the final against the might of Australia, the Ella brothers Brendan Moon et. al, the humidity was extreme, the atmosphere electric and yet at the end of this the Baabaa's were as laid back as ever. The Committee had left the team totally to their own devices and were reaping the rewards of allowing Andy to do his own thing. In a thrilling final, we pipped Australia and were the first British National Team to win the competition.
Having played at Leicester Football Club for 13 years this has also been very apparent of our Traditional Fixture at Christmas. Time and time again the best players in the world have given up their Christmas Holiday to play in this festive occasion and the quality of rugby and to me even more important, the depth of friendship by players around the world is indeed something to be cherished.
L. Cusworth 1980-81.
My first chance of driving a bus came on the Easter tour of 1961 BaaBaas v Cardiff. After the match we were all in the bus waiting for the driver to drive back to Penarth. I was the last one in. Having an inquisitive mind, I got up into the driver's seat "fiddled about" with the controls - started it up — shouts came from the back - "Lets go for a drive Dave" so off we went, up the main street, luckily there was a big roundabout at the top - and back to where we started.
My next chance came in South Africa on the 1962 Lions tour. I had one or two supervised lessons with the official coach driver.
My last cha nee before being caught out was the 1964 BaaBaas v Canada, County Ground Gosforth Saturday 17th Nov.
After the game, filthy cold wet day 3-3, we had all gone back to the Hotel at Whitley Bay to change for the dinner — Gosforth.
The team and officials (Hughie, Herbert and Luckie) KJF Scotland, AR Smith, MS Phillips, MP Weston, JM Dee, RAW Sharp, JAY Rodd, DWD Rollo, Sam Hodgeson, CR Jacobs (Capt), MJ Campbell-Lammerton, В Price, DC Manly, D Colley, PGD Robbins.
We all got into the bus, ready to take off, no driver - "Prince" you drive. Off we went - at roundabout had to stop and ask which road to take. Given right directions by Policeman!! We headed towards Gosforth - next thing a flashing blue light appears - "Police Car" - stop bus quickly get out of driver's seat and into passenger's seat. Police come onto bus, there was no driver — "Who" was driving? no answer.
The bus had been reported stolen. No-one spoke. You will all have to come down with me to the Police station. At this point I got up and admitted I was the driver.
Micky (Hon Sec) and I were taken to the Police Station (missed dinner) I was charged with taking the bus without consent. By this time BaaBaas officials Hughie and Herbert had set the ball rolling, trying to get the offence squashed. Lawrie Edwards, chairman of Gosforth and tops advocate reckoned that if I made a personal appearance in court (which was a few weeks later), He would be able to get me off lightly, he didn't.
To cut a long story short. I was fined £65 and disqualified for 6 months.
PS-When leaving the bus with Police Ron Badges and other BaaBaas shouted "Dave we will help pay the fine" never heard anymore!!! With inflation 28 years - I reckon £850 to be collected for BaaBaa's funds.
D. M. Rollo 1959-60
I played my first game for the Barbarian football club at Leicester.
some thirty years ago, against a Leicester team which included Tony O'Reilly, Phil Horrocks-Taylor and those stalwarts David Matthews and Chalky White. It was a great thrill for me as an Oxford Freshman to be selected and I remember well the excitement of the long journey from my home in Redruth, Cornwall just after Christmas. It was the beginning of a happy association with the Baa-Baas for which I shall always be grateful. Apart from the traditional Easter tour of South Wales, there were also memorable matches against the 1961 Springboks, the 1962 Canadians and the 1964 All Blacks.
The memory I would like to share on this occasion is of the Easter tour of South Wales in 1962, just before the Lions tour. As a young rugby fanatic, I had always believed that rugby was a religion in Wales but I learnt something different that Easter. On the Good Friday we played against Penarth in front of a large and enthusiastic crowd. On Easter Sunday, my wife Esther and I went to the morning service in the magnificent Llandaff Cathedral. The Bishop himself gave the sermon and, to our dismay, launched into an attack on sportsmen who played matches on Good Friday! He finished his tirade with the following words which we shall never forget: "Barbarians by name, barbarians by nature!" Suitably chastened we went to Swansea on Easter Monday and had the last laugh, beating them by 13 points to 9.
It is impossible to please all of the people all of the time!
R. A. W. Sharp 1959-60
All Barbarians owe a great debt of gratitude to Percy Carpmael. Born in Briscobel, Streatham, in 1853, W. P. Carpmael was the founder and first president of the club. It was as a lover of rugby football, and the good fun and fellowship that went with it that inspired him to create a new club at the end of a touring foray with his rugby friends in a scratch team variously called the 'London team' and 'The Southern Nomads', who played four matches over Easter, 1890, at Burton, Moseley, Wakefield and Huddersfield. Such was the success of this bold venture that as the opening lines of the record book of the Barbarian Club relate:
"It was resolved to form the above club at 2 a.m. on April 9th, 1890, at the Alexandra Hotel, Bradford, by the members of a scratch team, captained by W. P. Carpmael."
So began the Barbarian adventure - the consequence of a, no doubt, riotous evening of fun at Leuchter's Restaurant, 7 Darley Street, Bradford - the setting of the legendary Oyster (Leuchter's?) supper attended by the Blackheath player, Carpmael, and his rugby-playing friends.
The new touring club arranged its first itinerary for Christmas, 1890, and the first match took place on December 27 at the Friarage Field against Hartlepool Rovers. The success of the venture was instant and swiftly new trips and new fixtures were added to the West Country and South Wales. By 1901 the full four match Easter Tour of Wales was in place, based at The Esplanade Hotel, Penarth; in 1909 fixtures with Leicester began, and, finally, as a tribute to Edgar Mobbs, a great Barbarian, the Mobbs Memorial match against the East Midlands was instigated in 1921. The ultimate honour was to come in 1948 with the establishment of the Barbarian match against major international touring sides as the last match for the visiting teams.
To Percy Carpmael then and his early disciples a centenary salute - the plyers who put in place a concept of attacking, exciting rugby of high quality on the field, and off it, that Barbarian hallmark of fun and rugby fellowship. To the succeeding five presidents, a tribute, too, for having safeguarded and cherished the ideals and traditions of this remarkable and unique club. As the club song recounts in its old-fashioned way. "It's a way they have in the Baa-Baas and a jolly good way, too!" Long may that remain so.